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Concerned spiritual consciousness. |
So argues Diana Butler Bass of the Huffington Post.
"And this is why Scott Walker’s religion is actually dangerous in the public square. Because it lacks the ability to compromise, it is profoundly anti-democratic."
I mention the curiously argued piece merely to direct you to a nice counter laid out by Dana Loesch.
Not baffled by apples and oranges.
He’s not motivated by religion, he’s motivated by the people’s November 2nd voice. So Bass is saying … that the vote of the people is evil? No, Ms. Bass, standing in opposition to what happened on November 2nd, 2010 is what is profoundly anti-democratic. Bass’s inability to put aside her limiting bias obviously impedes her ability to understand Scripture and relying on politically religious figures instead of God’s Word is the first red flag of false prophecy that people of faith are so often warned of throughout the Bible.
Right on the money.
Fantastic response by Dana. I follow quite a bit of her responses to liberal and Secular Progressive ("SecProg" as Dennis Miller has shortened Secular Progressive) types with all their pieties and odd ruminations about the world.
ReplyDeleteMs. Bass not Secular, some might quibble? Perhaps not in her mind’s eye, no. But her kind of argumentation is.
Several things of note here, Nicholas:
First, Dana pointed out, Ms. Bass is a poor reader of Scripture. The context from the book of Romans lays out the Faithfull’s response to properly ordained government--and that includes obeying laws once set into motion EVEN IF we disagree with them. The only exceptions are those laws that DIRECTLY can be said to intentionally contradict God, the Scripture, and God's edicts.
Surely a great and powerful noggin like Ms. Bass's knows this, right? Well...
Next, the Catholic Church has condemned the milkwater "Jesus with a machine gun" Liberation Theology mess that has so harmed Church/State relations and poisoned the minds of other followers and caused strife and division in the ranks.
Next, Ms. Bass is using the tactic of one-upsmanship in church authority based on the traditions of man--not God. These are tokens of human interpretation that are more often than not (at least in the last several decades) pre-molded to fit some preconceived notion about Progressivisms supposed mighty superiority over us quotidian dumbasses and capitalist pigs. Only, they don't know what they're talking about. The Bible does not condemn capitalism, the natural flow of markets, et al. Indeed in the parable of the workers who complained about unfair pay in the literal vineyard field of labor, Jesus pointed out that what you agree to is what's "justified"--in other words--a labor contract is binding based on the PARTICIPANT's decision, if you wanna make a comparison to the labor practices of today.
Next, Walker and the assembly--including those Flee baggers who fled among those Democrats--ARE the government of the people, as Dana pointed out, and duly elected. THAT was the compromise that should have been obeyed, and further, there is a reason that at the Federal level, though not state, public employee unions are illegal. They can cause trouble, as even FDR spoke about. Paul’s rules laid out in the book of Romans and elsewhere we for Christians living under rule far less compromising than the representative government we have today—the Roman Empire. Yet her never made the case of saying that one man’s labor is worth more than another’s in the sense that, by extrapolation, we could say public unions’ have more moral authority and are to be better provisioned than the laboring taxpayers from whom their quite generous salaries are taken. It would be one thing if Walker or anyone else demanded that the sumptuous pension plans and health care packages and salary that can range from 50k-100K when you combine benefits and wages is to be whittled down to make them look like malnourished starvelings with hollow sick eyes. Alas, this is hardly the case. The public unions rarely go unprovisioned with anything less than the best benefits and pay available compared to comparable work in the private sector. And, Walker and supporters are asking for small tweaks in pay and benefit arrangements, not budget slashing to the bone. That Ms. Bass (who surely knows this, as well as the fact that in the private sector there is much toil often for far less pay) would use Scripture and complain of social justice going lacking on this and other realities is abysmally silly.
ReplyDeleteThis is hardly a Scriptural issue, and I do find it odd that for all the Progressive babble about the intermixing of faith and religion and creeping theocracy in the schools and in government, what's really annoying some of these hippy church types on the religious left is just what KIND of religion they feel is appropriate to glom onto when the times are tough. For Ms. Bass, quite obviously it's not main street First Baptist Church of the more socially conservative type--too many "boiler plate" issues for her stomach. Only, she has more than a few herself to speak of. Ms. Bass has no backing here. The situation is the inverse of what she claims. Though I still find it interesting the inclusion of religion in what is merely a (or should be) technical debate.
In an age of strained state budgets almost in all 50 (or is that 57??) states, and in the case of Wisconsin a moment where the prior governor (a Democrat) tapped into state funds and left the state in a hole, I find it ugly that these Religious Left types are using the literal “bully pulpit” in full religious regalia and Christian traditionism to make the faux claim of being put-upon.
You see, lying and false witness is more of the Devil than any budgetary recalibrations. “Social Justice” is on the side of the taxpayers.
Whenever you see Christianity mixed with Marxism, run the other way quickly! I assure you it is only Marxism in the Shephard's clothing.
ReplyDeleteAnd more often than not, something that came out of the Sorbonne when they were concocting region-specific Socialists programs after WWII. They always tried to destroy the Church from without.
Ditto for trying to destroy it from within.
Unions always had a problem with the story of the
Master that had a record harvest. Of course the message was that the wage was a gift--the
foreman told the Master that they didn't need any additional help to bring in the harvest. The Master just decided to spread his good fortune around. And the gift was so far above the usual daily wage that no one earned it, or could. Like life. Like the talents and gifts we receive. The Master should have had all the complainers shipped off to the sulfur mines.
satanic cult devil worshipers
ReplyDeleteYes, thank you Michael. Would you care to develop that a tad?
ReplyDeletewalker is thief and liar. make your own opinion. haves against everybody else.
ReplyDeleteYeah, right. You're right in there with Michael, Anonymous. "Walker is thief and liar" is not only a poor argument, it's poor English!
ReplyDeleteLet's get back to HuffPo's Diana Butler Bass, who made a silly argument, but at least could write in complete sentences:
"None of these prayers or sermons has swayed Scott Walker. He has steadfastly stayed on his original course, unfazed by the full weight of Roman Catholic authority or the mainline social justice tradition pressing upon him and urging him toward compromise and change.
In other words, Scott Walker does not give a rip about pronouncements by the Roman Catholic Church, any Lutheran, Episcopal, or Methodist bishop, or the Protestant social justice pastors."
Sounds pretty good to me. So in arguing against Walker's position she has offered the case that his actions should be guided, not by his own conscience, not be the opinion of the people that elected him, but by the opinions of religious leaders who apparently are following their own faith traditions.
Hmmm. That is best described as absolute nonsense. Would Ms. Bass argue that Walker should be guided by other people's religious beliefs when it came to partial birth abortions? Same sex marriages?
No and no, huh?
Okay, maybe Bass is better off with "haves against everybody"