
Monday, June 28, 2010

Obama Spending Spree Bill Coming Due

President Obama on controlling the debt:

"Somehow people say, why are you doing that, I'm not sure that's good politics.

I'm doing it because I said I was going to do it and I think it's the right thing to do. People should learn that lesson about me because next year when I start presenting some very difficult choices to the country, I hope some of these folks who are hollering about deficits and debt step-up, because I'm calling their bluff.

We'll see how much of that, how much of the political arguments that they're making right now are real and how much of it was just politics."

And there you have it, Mr. Obama planning the massive tax hikes that will kill what's left of the economy. Yes, the solution coming out of this guy's mouth will not be the kind of thing you or I would come up with when we find out that we are killing ourselves with expenditures that we do not have the income to afford. No cut backs on expenditures. No reduction in Federal programs or even reduction of the political slush funds.


It will be the President attempting to transfer the payment for all these 'economy saving' steps of Obamonomics onto the backs of the US economy in the form of crippling tax increases. And those that oppose his reckless spending schemes will be called hypocrites for not going along with the tax burden this clown wants to lay down on us.

Well, the people are not behind this, President Oil Leak. And though you may desire to govern against the will of the people, the people will not accept you.


  1. Not that *any* of this comes as even the faintest shock to anyone who was paying attention. And yet, our "betters" will be shocked ... and still hold themselves to be our "betters."

  2. OK, I get it. Just think of it as really domestic economy.

    Spouse A has the credit cards, and wants to buy a bunch of stuff.

    Spouse B has been looking at the credit card statements, and says "No, that would put us in too much debt; it will take too long to pay if off. That would be bad for our family."

    Spouse A buys the stuff anyway.

    Then, Spouse A says "I have a plan to reduce our debt. I'm calling your bluff."

    Huh? Bluff?

    Oh, wait -- you'll see:

    Spouse A says to Spouse B "Since I used the savings account for the last bill, I'm going to have a yard sale and sell all your stuff."

    Spouse B says "No -- a bunch of that is stuff the kids will need."

    Spouse A says "Ah HA! I knew you weren't really concerned about the debt!
    You were just been arguing with me to impress the kids!
    This debt is bad for our family!
    You don't really care about our family at all!"

    Spouse B then retreats into recriminations of the idiots who issued the credit cards to Spouse A.

    (It is for fun.)

  3. "Ah HA! I knew you weren't really concerned about the debt!
    You were just arguing with me to impress the kids!
    This debt is bad for our family!
    You don't really care about our family at all!"

    That's it. Perfect. You should be writing this blog!!
